Upgrade history:
Version 3.46.10 February 20th, 2012
Natural isotopes slider bar improved: Now includes radioactive elements (in red), Xe128 duplication removed, order corrected in slider bar itself, and reversed in table for readability.
Active slider bars now remain active when you go into the elements, with the current element being the divider for the blanking portion, based on how you came into the slider bar the last time.
Ability to have multiple slider bars active at one time implemented for temperature being one of them. To use: Hold temperature by holding mouse button down, then DON'T mouse over the temperature slider bar area.
Slider bar element displays now show the element symbol.
Oxidation States bar turned vertical.
Descriptions for the slider bars added.
Alphabetic and numeric displays now scroll on more smoothly and all three listings are now one click away on the bottom information bar.
Temperature bar indicated "current" temperature (temperature used for setting the current state of each element).
Current states of each slider bar no longer disappears when you mouse into them.
Slider bar displays calculated faster.
Version 2.20.08 February 1st, 2011
VIIAs and VIIBs corrected.
Transition metals now include 30 Zinc, 48 Cadmium, 80 Mercury and 112 Copernicium which have all been moved out of "other metals" too.
84 Polonium added to metalliods and 85 astatine removed from metalloids
Element 111 renamed as Roentgenium
Element 112 renamed as Copernicium
Collections highlight properly (transition metals, poor metals, non-metals, etc.)
Adjusted supposed (approximated or guessed...) atomic weights for the higher transuranics (Rf and up) to Wikipedia values
Adjusted atomic weights for elements 104 and up to match Wikipedia values as of 20110130.
Predicted density for element 118 added from Wikipedia.
Added clearing icon ("X") to lower left with bulletin board icons. Inhibited icon-sized pt when BB count =0.
Polonium classified as a metalloid, not a metal (although this is apparently still debatable, most sources classify it as a metalloid...).
Electronegativity for Astatine (9.3) added
Elements 32, 51 and 84 (Germanium, Antimony and Polonium) were removed from "Other Metals".
Version 1.82.04 March 1st, 2008
Calcium corrected to crystalize as Face-Centered Cubic
Version 1.80.10 October 28th, 2006
Added description of the units of measure for density, ionization level, MP, BP.
Version 1.80.08 October 27th, 2006
Added text display of crystal state on each element; corrected Strontium to FCC; added Neptunium crystal state (Orthorhombic). Note: The text database conflicts slightly with the visual crystal database, such as with several "ccp" entries, "diamond" for Silicon, and two elements with two crystal phases each presented. The new text database is based on many sources, including Wikipedia, Web Elements, Mineral Zone, NASA, and others.
Version 1.74.30 October 24th, 2006
Corrected spelling of Noble from the prize to the gas.
Version 1.74.26 October 16th, 2006
Set MP & BP for Carbon to more typically presented values. Fixed MP & BP for Protactinium, added MP, BP for several transuranic elements, uncovered element number for Oxidation States display.
FIRST RELEASE! Version 1.74.24 October 10th, 2006
Copyright (c) MMVI - MMXII The Animated Software Company, California, USA